this morning a person told me something terrible... One of my favourite bands "Oasis" has split up. First I didn't believe it but I took a look at Rollingstone magazines homepage and there was an article saying: "Noel Gallagher Quits Oasis"...
Oasis is a band from Britain formed in 1991 and released their first album in 1994. The Band has an big influence from The Beatles.
So it's true that Oasis has split up for good probably. It was Noel Gallagher one of the two brothers in the band that said that he couldn't work with his brother Liam one more day after an argument before a gig in Paris on Friday night. They cancelled the Paris gig only minutes before the show was going to start saying that the band has split up and was not going to play. the crowd first thought it was a joke until screens at both sides of the stage showed the message “As a result of an altercation within the band, the Oasis gig has been cancelled.”
but this is not the first time this has happened so hopefully this is not the real end but I wouldn’t be surprised if they never played together again...
If this is the end of the Oasis then it is a sad day. Although they maybe never surpassed the likes of the albums “definitely maybe” or “(What's the story) morning glory”, they still produced some fantastic albums that most bands would trade their right arm for.
I think that Oasis is one of the most important band to come out of Britain in the last 25-30 years. It's a sad day for everyone who loves music like I said, Noel is an inspiration to so many people. I think that he is got to be one of the most talented song writers of all time. Not many people that can write as him.
The next few days is going to consist of much Oasis music and guitar playing in my room:) I'm also going to analyse some song the next few days here...
Oasis is always going to be in my heart as one of best bands ever and the biggest influence on British pop/rock and rock & roll music the last 20 years.
The music always ruled with this band...Oasis is going to "Live Forever"
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